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Serving the people of Richardson and the RISD.   Empowering voters.   Defending Democracy.

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When voters in Richardson and the Richardson ISD want nonpartisan election information, they turn to the League of Women Voters of Richardson (LWV-R).  We hope we can count on your support to continue providing that information in these turbulent times.

We have recently celebrated two very important milestones: the 100th anniversary of the founding of League of Women Voters and the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, recognizing the right of women to vote in the United States.  As we look back over the last 100 years, we can find many reasons to celebrate the role of the League of Women Voters in educating voters and working for positive change in this country.

The League of Women Voters of Richardson operates primarily on contributions made by local community residents and businesses.

Please consider a donation to LWV-R. With your support, we can continue to:

  • Assist new voters and those who have moved with voter registration

  • Publish and distribute both printed and online Voters Guides for all Richardson City Council and Richardson ISD Board of Trustees elections, and coordinate with area Leagues in producing Voters Guides for other elections

  • Host and videotape nonpartisan candidate forums for local elections

  • Advocate with governmental bodies to keep our community strong

  • Conduct informative public meetings on topics of local interest

  • Keep the public informed through our website, Facebook page, and Twitter account.

In addition to your name, please enter your address, phone number and email address. This will allow us to contact you if necessary.
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Amount must be equal to or above US$ 1.00
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Matching Gifts

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Phone: (972) 470-0584 
LWV of Richardson
300 N Coit Rd, Suite 125
Richardson, TX 75080